Thursday, 1 September 2016

Pokemon Sun & Moon Dilemma: Which One To Choose?

Hi! Walaupun sekarang masyarakat tengah mengalami demam Pokemon GO, (To be honest, aku tak terfikir pun dia akan jadi satu fenomena) aku pulak sedang sibuk menimbang-tara versi Pokemon Sun & Moon (on Nintendo 3DS platform) yang manakah patut dibeli pada akhir November nanti.

Fyi I've already made a personal special 'tabung' for this game since last June because mind you, it's a freaking expensive game. Btw the 'tabung' is still short a couple of 20-30 ringgit, but somehow aku yakin aku akan berjaya mencapai target yang dikehendaki since sekarang baru lagi September *kekening*. Makanya, sumber kewangan should not be an issue right now. but WHICH version should I pick? 

For those of you who is not quite familiar with the Pokemon games. Especially they format they used when selling this game, here is a heads up for you before we indulge further with this important life-decision making. 
  • Pokemon game selalunya akan keluar dalam dua versi. Trend ini adalah wajib bagi setiap release. Pokemon Red and Blue (1998), Pokemon Gold and Silver (1999), Pokemon Diamond and Pearl (2006), Pokemon X and Y (2013) and etc. 
  • Gameplay untuk dua versi ini adalah sama cuma yang berbeza adalah jenis Pokemon dalam setiap versi. Contohnya dalam Pokemon Red akan ada Ekans, Mankey dan Oddish manakala dalam Pokemon Blue akan ada Sandshrew, Vulpix dan Meowth. Senang cerita bayangkan ada dua nasi lemak dari gerai yang sama tapi Nasi Lemak jenis A ada extra seperti ikan bilis dan sayur kangkung manakala Nasi Lemak jenis B ada kacang dan telur dadar. Same thing but slightly different ingredients.  
  • Dikatakan matlamat buat dua versi ni adalah untuk menggalakkan 'trade in' diantara pemain-pemain. Tapi aku prefer motif utama dia adalah untuk kaut untung lebih supaya Poke Maniac diluar sana keluarkan duit lebih untuk beli dua-dua versi. More version means more profit!!
  • Dan of course dalam setiap versi akan ada their own special legendary Pokemon. You can't get all the good things in life you know! You HAVE to choose. Unless if you have some extra pocket money.
Since tabung aku tu hanya cukup-cukup untuk membeli satu versi sahaja, then I need to choose. CAREFULLY.

Disebabkan pada saat entry ini ditulis, tiada lagi khabar berita untuk list Pokemon mana adalah eksklusif untuk versi mana, terpaksalah kita bergantung harap pada cover game sahaja. And let's start with.....

Pokemon Sun

So it's a mutated lion I see.....
Based what I got from the Pokemon website this legendary Pokemon is called as 'Solgaleo' with Physic and Steel type. Solgaleo kelihatan sungguh berotot especially dibahagian kaki aku rasa macam are you those type of people yang pergi ke gym lepas tu post tunjuk muscle dalam Instagram? Yes, I am quite intimidate by this image. Tetiba. But I do have a soft spot with Physic type of Pokemon.

Lepas tu perasan tak the design dia punyalah bersungguh nak tunjuk 'Sun' dia, dengan brightness cahaya matahari tu kalau boleh nak bagi mata silau kan? 

Pokemon Moon

It's a mutated bat I see.....
This is one is called as 'Lunala' with Physic and Ghost type. Aku macam prefer versi 'Moon' sebab one, I love dark motive. Second, the legendary is a Physic (yes!) and Ghost type Pokemon, But the design is waay too much. Dan ko tak rasa ke bentuk dia sejibik macam the Maleficent?  

As for now I am more lean towards Pokemon Moon but this is mainly because of the dark motive. Pokemon Sun is too bright for my taste. lol. But this might change if the list of version exclusive has been revealed since I've got my eyes on several Pokemon that I wanted to be in my team when exploring the Aloha Region

How about you guys? Which version do you prefer?

*This entry will be updated in time to time if some main information has been released to the public. 

1 comment:

  1. LOL aku terdelete entry ni, makanya terdelete lah komen2 yang ada di entry tersebut. MAAF! Mujur ada backup draft.


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