Monday, 28 November 2016

Random Rants #4

It's that filler post again when you are in the state of I'm not ready to post any completed entry yet! lol! Ingat anime saja ada filler episode? Blog aku pun ada! Not that I'm gaining anything from this. *sedih*

#1 Starting last year, how do I say this.. was the last year yang aku macam full force makan Sushi King secara rakus dan tidak berfikir panjang. Maksudnya kalau aku nak makan sushi aku tak berfikir panjang pasal budget ke apa aku akan terus pergi ke outlet Sushi King berhampiran dan melantak tanpa melihat warna pinggan lagi. Apa? Plate Purple berharga RM6+? *sambil ambik secara angkuh dekat kaiten sushi disebelah* Sedap rasanya? AMBIK LAGI PLATE PURPLE ITU B*TCH TANPA RAGU! Walaupun at the end ko akan merana apabila melihat total bil semua. 

And what like after a year or soo aku macam dah meluat tengok sushi bila hampir semua jenis aku dah rasa berulang kali. Rasa meluat sampai ke tahap pandang pun tak mahu dah. Then pada masa tu aku start rasa adventurous sikit nak makan sushi dengan wasabi. FYI aku memang tak makan wasabi sebab bau dia macam tengik dekat hidung dan warnanya macam hijau pelesu versi chemical kilang lantas menghalang naluri aku nak merasa benda tu at the first place. Tapi lepas dah rasa secara tak sengaja (eh, kata adventurous tadi) it was UH-MAZING~! New flavour unlocked!

Rasa meluat nak makan sushi terus hilang 100%. It's like tasting sushi for the first time! Dia sekarang kalau makan sushi mesti tak sah kalau takde wasabi lepas tu selagi tak terasa wasabi tu keluar dekat hidung sampai otak sakit selagi tu tak sah. I'm officially obsess. Sekarang tak tau 6 bulan lagi lepas tu datang meluat balik gamaknya kena fly pergi Jepun kena rasa yang authentic punya dulu baru macam "Ohmigosh! I'm in love~!". #CintaSushiYangSuci

This reminds me greatly yang macam semakin kita berusia semakin banyak benda yang kita tak suka makan dulu sekarang dah boleh makan. Or is it me alone? Contoh macam dulu dalam list makanan dibenci *buka list parchment sepanjang 10 inchi* ialah terung, taugeh, WASABI, air jagung adalah macam no no kalau boleh elak. Tapi sekarang macam dah boleh makan selamba. This is magnificent isn't it?

#2 If you are following my InstaBahagia atau nama klise dia Instagram mesti dah tau aku sekarang dekat buku volume 6 dalam siri Harry Potter (HP). Bila dah nak dekat penamat ni makin slooow rasanya nak habiskan. Rasa sayang. And I still don't reach the part where Dumbledore is dead. Sebab part Sirius Black mati pun aku macam ni necessary ke? Perlu ke dia mati? J.K. Rowling are you sure? 

And I'm thinking to make some sort of HP mini series on this blog macam nak cerca ke mengarut ke fan-boying ke bagai dalam entry. Do you want me to do it? Do you want me to ramble about why I like Bellatrix Lestrange (!!) or the love story between Ron dengan Hermione rasa macam awkward dan terpaksa? DO YOU?!

Dan bila bercakap pasal HP ehem, aku tak boleh lah macam nak buat-buat lupa yang aku hutang satu entry pasal Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them (FB). I know, I know I'm becoming lazy again to write about something lengthy. Tapi another main reason yang aku macam 'reluctant' or could I say 'preoccupied' to write sebab I don't feel quite good about the movie. So, why do I want to write it in the first place. Tbh sebelum tu aku nak confess I'm not a big fan of HP Movie Universe. Don't get me wrong, I love the series but only with the books. Ok, boleh start bash. There are reasons for this and maybe kalau aku rasa nak cerita aku cerita lah tapi kembali ke topik asal I don't feel like writing it up, yet. I'm hoping something different disebabkan watak utama dia adalah adult and maybe we can see more tapi hurrmm.. it was moderately ok.

#3 Ok, I'm done bebel pasal Pokemon Sun & Moon for the whole last week sampai semua orang meluat mungkin next one akan keluar pada tahun depan. Itupun mungkin pasal review or impression aku pasal game tu lepas habis main. Currently aku dekat island 2 (out of 5) sampaikan ada yang cerca kata slownya aku main. And I was like... I'm trying to appreciate it ok, so I'm going to play it slow and easy while bonding with my Pokemon. (Secara tak sengaja aku cerita pasal Pokemon lagi kan?boleh start bash lagi).

But speaking about game generally, currently i'm playing Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon together with Pokemon Moon. Hectic gila ko macam mana nak bahagikan masa and I wish that we human do not need to sleep like 8 hours per day so that I can play all these games. *sigh* It is a surprisingly a great game. I'm literally having fun playing it and somehow I wish, I wish that I could show it to you guys my gameplay in video format. 

I've rant about this on Twitter on how leceh it is to record it unless you got some special device or you need to buy another set of modified Nintendo 3DS that able to connect to your PC. Leceh kan? and it is costly too. That make me thinking that I could record it using my old digital camera. But again, aku rasa I've lost the camera's monopod (lenguh lah ko nak hold dua benda. Camera sebelah tangan, main lagi sebelah tangan. Kejung tangan) and you are advisable to record it in dark environment to get decent quality of videos. Which means nigh time. Oh God. Night time. 

Tu belum masuk insecurity bila tengok recording sendiri siap persoal kenapa suara aku garik semacam ni? GARIK BETUL! Malu rasanya. lol. And I was thinking one day, kalau dah bunyi garik tu garik lah lah, embrace it!! KAH KAH. WTF! But let's see how this one goes.

#4 So aku ada nampak one of my favourite Youtuber ada buat video khas untuk KitKat. And I was like "YASSSS!" but then I found out that ada orang nampak video diorang buat tasting satu perisa KitKat yang rasanya macam acah-acah main je, tak panjang mana pun. Lepas tau tak orang tu buat apa? Siap hantar satu package penuh pelbagai perisa KitKat didalamnya lepas tu boleh buat review.


Aku yang dah buat at least 2 entry yang PANJANG LEBAR pasal KitKat, investing hours of my precious time researching about this, takde pulak orang nak hantar dekat aku KitKat untuk dirasa. WHY YOU? WHY! Lepas tu baru perasan yang ko tu blogger sendu views pun ntah sehari satu orang baca compare pulak dengan diorang yang berjuta followers, apa masalah ko, dik?

FOIINE! *mula mempersoalkan kehidupan*

Friday, 18 November 2016

Pokemon Sun & Moon Hype #3: The Demo

Mungkin ini adalah entry terakhir untuk Pokemon Sun & Moon sebelum aku publish kan full review game ni which is by now you guys might know that I'm buying the Moon version. Dan entry tersebut mungkin akan aku publish lepas aku habis main 'main story' dia which is basically might taking up like 2-3 weeks or more. Ini adalah perkara normal sebab kalau review album pun aku selalu ambil masa lama nak buat sebab nak feel betul-betul bukan sekali dengar terus dah kasi kata putus. This goes the same with games.

Masa post ni keluar mungkin aku dah beli Pokemon Moon dan tengah enjoy main sampai lupa makan dan tidur. Biarkan diri aku pada waktu sekarang tu main. Pedulikan dia. Sekarang aku yang masa lampau ni nak bagi impression semasa aku main demo game yang Nintendo bermurah hati bagi player download dan main acah bagi sedikit taste bagaimana rasanya main Pokemon Sun & Moon.

Seperti yang korang tahu bila dah disebut demo, memang kandungan dia limited gila semua benda ko tak boleh buat. Banyak access route kena tutup, pokemon tak boleh tangkap dan sebagainya. Stress!!

But you still manage to do some things and here are my observation:
  • Fungsi 3D langsung tak ada, maybe nanti saiz demo akan jadi besar sangat hence the reason. And the frame quality is quite poor. Yet again mungkin ni jadinya bila game dah compress dan senang untuk didwonload.
  • Masa mula main, akan diberi sekor Pokemon, Ash-Greninja. Katak ninja yang lately ni populariti dia semakin meningkat naik Pikachu haruslah berasa risau takut-takut maskot Pokemon akan ditukar. lol. Dan Pokemon ni boleh ditransfer ke full game nanti konon macam special appreciation gift sebab ko akhirnya terperangkap dan beli full game. Ash-Greninja ni quite rare sebab dalam game biasa ko akan dapat Greninja biasa saja. Dia hanya wujud dalam dunia anime sahaja. Jadi macam special lah bila ko ada menatang kata biru ni.
Source: Serebii
  • First time jumpa villain group iaitu Team Skull (Sama macam Team Rocket tapi misi jahat yang berbeza) and they are so interesting and unique! Aku tak boleh berenti senyum/cringe tengok perangai BBNU ahli Team Skull ni. Maybe this might be my favourite villain team after all. Watch the video below to see the BBNU-ness.
  • The music is goood! The battle music especially, boleh rasa urgency nak battle tu. Background music for town and some areas are also good, Game Pokemon normally memang best music game dia. Tak pernah kecewa.
  • While fighting, masa nak pilih attack yang mana, akan ada satu note tulis mana satu attack yang effective mana satu yang tak effective which is for me is a good addition in the game. Selain tu kalau nak tengok summary sesuatu jenis serangan masa battle tengah berjalan pun boleh. Bagus untuk casual player yang tak ada masa nak hafal type mana satu attack berkesan lawan dengan sekian type. But competitive player might find this feature annoying.

  • Aku ada jumpa Pikipek, Pikachu, Jangmo-o, Hakama-O, Rockruff, Yungoos sepanjang demo ni berlangsung. Limited Pokemon lah senang cerita.
  • You get to ride Tauros. Love this function tho. Plus in the full game boleh menunggang, terbang, berenang dengan macam-macam lagi Pokemon macam Charizard etc.
  • The camera angle is good. Bila ko lalu certain area dia akan zoom ataupun pusing ke kiri sikit. Tak bosan sebab akan ada view dari pelbagai arah.
Overall aku enjoy main demo game ni but it was quite short. Lepas dah habis main semua ko macam..

Now let's hope that the full game will be good. And please story line jangan klise dan predictable sangat.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Pokemon Sun & Moon Hype #2: The Content

Based from previous entry I've told you guys that Pokemon Official Channel has released tons of teasers including some facts, information about new Pokemon or their new abilities and it's impossible for me to cover and review the whole thing one by one. Dah terlambat! So I'm going touch on things that I'm interested enough ataupun yang aku rasa penting untuk kita semua tahu.

Rasanya game Pokemon Sun & Moon (S&M) kali ni banyak perubahan dan tambahan baru yang GameFreak masukkan. AND I'M NOT COMPLAINING!! Teringat masa dulu baru masa baru ura-ura nak promote Pokemon S&M, feature pertama yang dia bagi tau ialah penambahan 2 bahasa baru iaitu Traditional and Simplified Chinese! No more language barrier!

Memang minta dicerca oleh masyarakat umum benda-benda macam gini! Sepatutnya tak payah fokus pun nak bagi tau option ni. Haha. Tetapi semuanya dilupakan bila design 3 Pokemon Starter telah diumumkan.


People went craaaazy bila Rowlet, Litten dan Popplio diperkenalkan dan bermula lah penyakit asabiyah menular dalam hati hitam masing-masing. Siapa paling cute, siapa paling femes dan tidak dilupai kecaman hebat terhadap Popplio yang dikatakan menyerupai singa laut berhidungkan badut ditambah pula namanya seakan nama penyakit Polio.

And believe me that their final evolution cool gila I can't brain this. Even Popplio pun jadi cantik ko jangan memain. Sekarang aku dilema nak pilih yang mana satu. Cuma satu lah, aku pun macam pelik kalau  rupa cantik macam tu kalau jantina jantan pun rupa macam tu juga ke? Tak rasa macam pelik ke? Kalau macam masuk musim mengawan macam lagi tak pelik ke? Wait, what??! Don't even start with Incineroar.


Aloha region is literally inspired by Hawaii Island. Walaupun aku rasa macam pilihan lokasi tropikal ni tak jadi masalah buat aku, plus dia nampak cantik, cuma saiz map dia macam nampak kecik. Maksud aku dia punya kecik takut setiap pulau tu macam kalau ko explore secara rakus dalam sejam dua dah habis. Nanti cepat lah game habis bukan? And I'm hoping for some surprise element later on konon-konon ada fifth island muncul from deep sea ke ataupun ada hidden island somewhere ke as we progress in the game. I need drama/plot twist in this even when you are playing a RPG game!


Antara satu kejutan yang membuatkan orang terkaget sebentar ialah pengenalan kepada Alohan Pokemon. Ingat Exeggutor? Pokemon berbentuk Nanas yang mempunyai 3 wajah yang nescaya kalau buat Pajeri Nanas orang terkejut tetiba ternampak bentuk muka dalam kuah! Well, dekat Aloha Region ada Exeggutor jugak tapi versi lain sikit. 

Tengkuk tak boleh mengalah panjang lagi kan? Sama macam dekat dunia sebenar sebagai contoh ada beruang berbulu coklat, hitam dan putih berbeza mengikut kawasan yang didiami. Sama lah jugak macam dalam dunia Pokemon. Dan bukan Exuggutor sahaja yang ada versi Alola tapi ada Vulpix versi ais, Muk versi Paddle Pop Pelangi, Dugtrio berambut blonde, Persian berwajah Sphera, Rattata debab dan macam-macam lagi. 

Dan apa yang aku perhatikan design Pokemon khusus untuk Aloha region ni mostly semuanya unik dan berwarna-warni. I couldn't express my excited no more.

And look at these birds Pokemon moving!!


Sebelum kita pergi details kepada Rotom Pokedex, kepada newbies diluar sana Pokedex ialah macam mesin acah kamus electronik Besta tapi lebih sophisticated untuk cari sebarang info pasal Pokemon. Bagi aku Pokedex ni ok lah lagi-lagi kalau nak check dekat mana lokasi nak cari Pokemon sekian-kian ataupun nak tau info untuk certain Pokemon tapi takdelah rasa macam wow hebatnya dia. Tapi dalam Pokemon S&M, Pokedex ni telah dirasuk bukan syaitan tetapi sejenis Pokemon bernama Rotom lantas Pokedex ko yang bosan tu tetiba ada personaliti mulut kepochi. Makanya penggembaraan anda tidak akan sunyi lagi dengan adanya gadget tak boleh berenti cakap.

Let's just hope it's not going to be annoying sampai rasa nak mute.


Again another big surprise in this game. Kemunculan Ultra Beast. Ultra Beast ni bukan Pokemon tapi satu entiti yang lain. Alien? Makhluk ghaib? Pokemon experiment gone wrong? Tidak lah kita tahu selagi tak main game ni sampai habis. Their design look super weird and creepy aku literally tak boleh describe Ultra Beast ni apa sebenarnya motif dia nak wujud selain ada aura kejahatan yang pastinya akan mengugat keamanan dunia.

UB-02 Beauty? UB-02 Absorption? Apa kebenda ni? Why their name macam tentera punya id? Why you? Why? So much mysteries!


Z-Move adalah macam bankai dalam dunia Pokemon. Pokemon can use this powerful move to attack and slaaay other Pokemon without mercy. And can I tell you that it is freaking cute move!

Kenapa aku cakap cute ialah sebelum memulakan Z-Move the trainer (kita lah tu) kena macam buat pergerakan khusus sebelum melempiaskan kuasa itu ke seantero dunia. Watch the video above if you don't believe me.

Lepas tu nama attack tak boleh catchy lagi kan?

Pikachu - Catastropika
Rowlett - Bloom Doom
Litten - Inferno Overdrive

But my favourite is...

Snorlax - Pulverizing Pancake (!!! WAKAKAH)

Dengan semua benda ko tak rasa excited ke nak main? Ni belum lagi aku bebel pasal Pokeride, Poke Refresh, Battle Royale. Tapi cukuplah setakat ini and in the next entry aku akan cerita pasal demo Pokemon S&M yang aku sempat download daripada e-shop.

Monday, 14 November 2016

Pokemon Sun & Moon Hype #1: Intro

Disebabkan minggu ini officially akan keluar Pokemon Sun & Moon (S&M), marked your date guys; 18th November 2016, we will talk all about it this week. Banyak gila benda nak cerita sampai rasanya tak cukup masa yang tinggal baki lagi 3-4 hari sebelum Jumaat ni. But don't your worry after this we will be going to focus on the 'Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them'. Since it will be clashing with Pokemon, I'll try my best to cover them as much as possible. Seperti yang dikatakan dalam entry Random Rants #3, kindly go read the book first before we start dwelling into the magical world again!

And now let's get back to Pokemon S&M. 2-3 bulan sebelum ini Channel Rasmi Pokemon ada upload banyak video teaser berkaitan Pokemon S&M to hype thing up. Sadly enough I don't have much time to cover all of these videos and I'll try to cramp, summarize and post it into several entries. YUP, YOU HEARD IT! SEVERAL ENTRIES!!

Tapi sebelum itu aku nak declare yang aku bukan seorang Pokemon expert. Pengetahuan aku mengenai Pokemon adalah limited kepada 151 Pokemon pertama aka the "First Gen'. Waaay before Pokemon only consist 15 standard types, before Eeevee getting more evolution types other than Flareon, Jolteon and Vaporeon, before berries existed or in conclusion before everything is getting complicated.

Aku tak pernah habiskan main Pokemon Red, Blue or even Yellow sebab kalau main pun dulu dekat Cyber Cafe bukan dekat rumah. Kalau ada someone mentioning about someone from Pokemon except Professor Oak aku akan start confuse dan tertanya-tanya. So this marked my first full adventure into the Pokemon world. Bayangkan perasaan ko bila tahu Snorlax (Beruang debab tidur 24 jam tu) ada evolution bawah dia iaitu Munchlax setelah bertahun dekat kepala ko tanam Snorlax tak ada sebarang evolution. Lepas tu rupa Munchlax langsung tak ada persamaan dengan Snorlax. Pening sekejap. Why GameFreak, why?

Dan jangan risau aku tak akan bercerita mendalam sangat pasal dunia Pokemon ni supaya semua orang boleh follow dan aku tak lah kedengaran macam nerd sangat. Just some basic thing supaya boleh hype sama-sama sehingga aku dapat main Pokemon S&M dan completely lupakan Pokemon GO dan boleh uninstall natang tu buat selama-lamanya.

Oh, one more thing. I've decided to pre-order the Moon Version. Hahaha. Following my heart katanya. Speaking of Snorlax, tau tak ada bantal Snorlax dijual and it's HUUUUUUGE!


Freaking adorable nak kena lenyek kee hah!! And mind you the price tag is 52,000 yen aka RM2,000++. DEMMIT!!

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Gigitan Pertama: McDonald's Young Coconut Pie

So after that underwhelmed Taro Pie, McDonald's Dessert Corner is back once again with another new flavour. Yang bestnya Malaysia sekarang ni kan nak masuk musim tengkujuh dengan possibility dalam satu-satu hari mesti akan ada hujan pada petang atau malam harinya. Tapi McD decided untuk melupakan dan berpura-pura macam cuaca lembap ni tak wujud dengan membuat dessert bertemakan buahan TROPICAL!! 

*imagine hula dance dalam hujan ribut petir sabung-menyabung*

Putting that imagination aside, aku sebagai duta unofficial pie McD pastilah akan menjalankan tugas dengan membeli dan mencuba rasa pai yang baru ni bagi pihak semua rakyat jelata. Just to remind you guys, aku tak beli either Coconut Caramel Sundae nor Coconut Caramel Mcflurry sebab aku nak fokus solely dekat pai sahaja. (Selain daripada fakta Horlicks Mcflurry adalah yang paling sedap sekali tiada perisa lain boleh challenge lantas dianggap membuang masa dan uang untuk merasainya).

With RM2++ you will get yourself with this 'Young Coconut' flavoured pie.

Tipikal packaging. 
Yet again my criticism pasal packaging ni ialah ia terlalu general. McD kalau dia malas nak design packaging untuk perisa pai baru dia akan guna design macam gambar dekat atas. Tau ko nak jimat design and printing benda baru, tapi disebabkan hampir semua menu ko ada their own special package tak rasa ke pie ni di selalu anak tirikan? I rest my case.

Nevertheless the content is the next important thing here. Yet again hands down, love the pie crust. Crunchy and tasty. No complain about this. Meanwhile here is the view for the filling.

Surprisingly ada kelapa dalam dia!! No fake ingredients whatsoever. lol. The filling was good lagi-lagi kalau makan waktu panas. Please do eat this pie while it is hot. Please ya. Kewujudan inti kelapa ni really gives some texture to the pie. Plus it is not that super sweet. This is far better than Taro Pie, Mango Pie, Lychee Pie combined all together.

While it is not giving me any urges to do any dance hula dance or felling tropical at once, I have to give this pie a passable grade. I will definitely going to repeat eating this if possible.

See that. A real inti kelapa. Or was it? Jangan kata kelapa sintetik ke apa buat produce dekat lab. That would be a big letdown. 

Monday, 7 November 2016

Random Rants #3

#1 Pada 17 November nanti, "Fantastic Beasts & Where To Find Them" (FBWTFT fuh!) akan ditayangkan di Malaysia and I'm soo pumped up for this movie. We finally can dwell back into Harry Potter Universe after like what? 5 years after Deathly Hallow Part 2. We need more magic related stuff in this cruel world!! #tetiba

On top of that J.K Rowling herself stated that FBWTFT is going to have 5 more future movies macam halamak we won't see Newt Scamander only once! The next sequel will be released on 2018 btw. But let's hope that the first one is going to be superb and excel my (high) expectation ay? BETTER RELEASE AND SHOW US THAT FANTASTIC WEIRD AWESOME BEASTS FIRST!

Oh ya, to commemorate this movie I'll be reading the book itself and will write some sort of short discussion about it. I know that the book actually tak ada kena mengena pun dengan movie ni dia macam sort of a thin textbook listing dozens of beasts discovered by Newt Scamander. But for the sake of hyping things up let's read this book together and bebel about it later before the movie is release? Kut-kut lah nanti some of the beast came out in the movie lepas tu kita boleh jadi macam Hermione Granger di dalam cinema. lol.

#2 Meanwhile on 18th November pulak FINALLY Pokemon Sun & Moon will be released in full glory. Macam fuyoo busy schedule aku minggu tu. Back to back. Pokemon S&M (sounds wrong in all level) is one of the game that I've been waiting like ages macam kalau ada kucing dah tumbuh tanduk sebab tunggu lama sangat. Aku dah try main demo dia dan aku juga dah decide versi mana aku nak beli. I'll will rant all about of these on my next entry.

#3 I have some side projects that I aim to publish on this blog sometimes later at the end of this year or maybe early next year. And yes, let's hope it's not ended in draft unpublished for months. Jangan pulak lupa pasal Series #JPN yang macam tergendala sekejap tu. lol. Siri tersebut akan disambungkan jangan risau anak-anak. I'm trying my best to finish it at least for 1 season (acah macm dokumentari untuk HBO) walaupun rating rendah ya ampun!

#4 I will set up all my social networking back especially Instagram so that kalau ada entry baru supaya tidak lah ada yang ketinggalan lepas tu mengeluarkan kata-kata nista bila nak update blog padahal dah berapa banyak entry baru dah publish. Korang je yang tak sedar. But is it necessary? Should I make it? Or maybe I should wait like bilangan followers blog mencecah 15 orang buat? Sendu gila. Haha. 

Saturday, 5 November 2016

E.MO.TION After A Year

I could not imagine that one day that I will listen to Carly Rae Jepsen religiously or even to the extend starting to embrace and appreciate the '80s music scene with her help. Like who is she? I mean besides 'Call Me Maybe', that one overrated pop infectious song that marked and paved her way into the commercial success, what else could she offer? She will be forgotten for sure in next few months. If not by the public then it is by me.

I was WRONG. When E.MO.TION came out and blessing these mortal ears I could not imagine the alternate future where she was instead being forgotten by the public but not from me. The plot twist!

Like Lana Del Rey 'Born To Die' and Tove Lo 'Queen of The Clouds', Carly's E.MO.TION is becoming that one album that I keep listening on repeat in such a long period of time. Surprisingly, this album felt close to the heart, which can be quite weird since most of the tracks consist some themes that I have never or will ever experience in my real life. But somehow it managed to stir up my emotion (reference) and feelings.

Last August marked one year anniversary of E.MO.TION. Meaning that it was already one year of me still enjoy listening to it. While most of her songs in E.MO.TION did not manage to topple that overrated 'Call Me Maybe' in terms of chart position (#Justice4Jepsen), that doesn't mean that these songs are not worthy enough for our listening. Most of it if not all tracks, dare I say, are better than 'Call Me Maybe'. 

What else can be more thrilling when Carly, herself announcing that there will be a Side B album commemorating one year anniversary of E.MO.TION consisting songs that were cut shamelessly from it. You don't simply say no to more E.MO.TION stuff? I could live for SIDE C, SIDE D or heck even if there were a compilation of E.MO.TION From A to Z, I will buy them all! While waiting for me to indulge Side B in a full capacity, how about me, yes, myself reviewing each track from E.MO.TION personally.

1. Run Away With Me

That saxophone alone!! What an intro to grab our human short-span attention. It's like a warning, instead of usual pop siren trend but we get classy sound from a sax instead, before Carly giving out her shameless shout-out to a lover;

"You are mine, I am yours. Screw the world. We are meant to be together." 

This is like a theme song for a 'busy' lovebird out there that are going through work during the weekdays and only can meet during the weekends. A song that cherish the short time together, It's only about us not them. Who cares about other people? We are enjoying our limited time together. In our own small world. Sick of the hectic world? Sick of the party? How about "Run away with me! Run away with me!", shouts Carly.

2. Emotion

This one is catchy for sure. An unapologetic song showing no mercy to your ex(es), that the decision of dumping you in the first place was actually a stupid move and they will regret it. 

"Be tormented by me, babe. Wonder, wonder how I do? How's the weather.  Am I better? Better now that there's no you."

Kuss semangat you better feel menyesal right now. This is a like a happy song while 'mencerca' seseorang. And my favourite part is in the bridge. 

"What if I turn the lights right down? I feel it. What if I turn the lights right down? You feel it."

This part is intense yet sultry, giving out some vibes that we might be together again but BAM! as soon as this section is over, the song continues to 'cerca' that person right back! Talk about being 

3. I Really Like You

My least favourite song from this album. This is like a Call Me Maybe 2.0 and I understand why Carly trying to reincarnate it back in another song. Another massive hit will be needed somehow in order to convince the record label that she can do another hit with the mass public. And somehow Tom Hanks cameo in the music video did not help much either. Although it is not that bad per se. It's catchy but sounds alright. 

4. Gimmie Love

This time around it is our time to be tormented. Cerca memacam sedangkan dalam hati merana sebenarnya kan? 

"Gimme love, gimme love, gimme love, gimme love, gimme please!'

The chants really show the desperation, the longing feeling. How we want to be loved and touched. How is it possible? Is it too much to ask?, asks Carly in one part. This song is quite contradict with 'Emotion' on how there's this part of us that wanted to rekindle back with someone and hoping for a better turnout.

5. All That

The only slow song in this album. Perhaps the rawest and personal to me sampai jadikan ringtone at one time. It's about how you willing to do anything for someone. At one point when that someone has already 'friendzoned' you but you still wanted to be at his/her side. If not as a lover but as a friend pun jadilah. The feeling feels too surreal even after you being friendzoned by him/her, you still make this 'muka tebal' and hoping for a slightest chance to be together. Unrequited love much?

If you hear closely at the end of the song you will hear some sort of 'dripping water'. A symbol for me, waiting in agony. SAVAGE I TELL YOU. SAVAGE.

6. Boy Problems

Not so amazing MV but still a good song to joget to. CAN THE 'NA NA NA NA NA' PART GO AWAY FROM MY HEAD please? And with Sia starting the song with a rude awakening phone conversation to you, this is just going to be a hella good tune to listen too. I mean bitch, if you wanna go then go.

7. Making The Most of The Night

There is always going to be this rush or urgency feeling every time when I listen to this song. Like I'm-Not-Going-To-Waste-Time-Anymore-Let-Me-Hug-You-BEBEH!. And then I realized that okay my feeling is not wrong at all because lyrically this song is about how we wanted to help someone that we love as fast as we can when they are having hard time.

"Baby, I'm speeding and red lights I'll run. What I got, you need it and I'll run to your side when your heart is bleeding"

The up-tempo beats surely helps in proving this lyric in a legit way.

8. Your Type

Again another unrequited love type of song and I'm not complaining. #TeamBertepukSebelahTangan
While the lyrics can be depressing, this is a song that I could dance helplessly at the dance floor after being dumped for the umptieth time. 

9. Let's Get Lost

The sax in bridge is just puuuuure ecstasy and with Carly cooing the words 'Let's get lost. You wanna get lost?' repeatedly really setting up the flirty mood.

Come on how you can't fall in love with me? I'm so adventurous liddat. - WZ, 2016

10. LA Hallucinations

The only song in this album that I'm not quite into. I'm sorry Carly. It's about this famous lifestyle and with you being follow by the paparazzi and whatnot. And how Carly wanted her friends to shake her off from all this glamour hallucinations and be herself back. I really can't identified myself with this song. I'm just a normal with less than 10 followers on Instagram. So... yeah. But it's catchy for sure.

11. Warm Blood

This song is definitely falls under category whether you either going to like it or not. Because it is a strange experimental sounded song with a weird given title. I like it in a sense where you could feel a tingling mood of mysterious vibe surrounded yourself. And no, this is not about vampires.

12. When I Needed You

That high pitched 'hey!!!' is soo infectious that sometimes I do it unexpectedly while doing some mundane works. The lyric is dark but the beats are happy af. Somehow this is the type of song that I would called as 'Bipolar Tune'. Dark message but accompanied by happy beat or vice versa.


You know what?! There are some bonus tracks in this album that I'm equally in love as same the main tracks. It will be a sin if I not mentioned it here.

  • 'Black Heart' is okay
  • 'I Didn't Just Come Here To Dance' is definitely the disco song that I want if Carly decided to release next album the '70s era.
  • Favourite Colour is officially my engagement song. Full stop.

You may listen the full album below on Spotify.


In the Japanese Edition of E.MO.TION, Carly decided to give another two extra songs. Why? That is what you get when people appreciating your stuff and Japanese is doing it correctly. Again both songs are good.

  • 'Never Get To Hold' is such a calm and sad song you will feel really bad after listening to it. Especially if you are driving alone in a car.
  • 'Love Again' aka a positive song dedicated to someone that is giving up for love after having a nasty break-up. Don't be afraid to be in love again and you might find the one. AND IF THIS SOMEONE IS YOUR CRUSH, THIS IS YOUR CHANCE BITCH!! 

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Gigitan Pertama: KitKat Traditional Malaysia Nasi Lemak

Remember last April dalam segmen siri #JPN episode satu aku ada cerita pasal KitKat di Jepun. Dan disana ada ada pelbagai jenis perisa KitKat yang boleh dibeli lantas menimbulkan rasa dengki dan busuk hati kenapa dekat Malaysia tak ada limited perisa yang available?

Jangan bimbang *gerak jari telunjuk ke kiri dan ke kanan*.

Sekarang dah ada satu store yang baru dibuka dekat Mid Valley yang jual semata-mata KitKat sahaja daaaan boleh custom made pulak tu perisa dia! Another good thing is dia juga boleh beli secara online makanya tak perlu bersesak-sesak ke Mid Valley semata-mata nak beli beberapa ketul bar chocolate. Being a lazy ass I am, I'm opted the second option on how to get this thing. Gila ko tak beli lepas komplen macam-macam kata KitKat Malaysia boring tak berani amik risiko lah apa lah lepas dia buat satu kedai khusus pasal benda ni ko pulak tak beli memang cakap tak serupa bikin lah kan? I'll give you guys all the links where to buy this thing at the end of this entry. Harap bersabar. Kalau rakus sangat jiwa jenis tak bersabar pergi teruslah check dekat ending entry ni.

Custom made KitKat ni proses dia ko boleh pilih nak base dark chocolate ke white chocolate ke kemudian pilih 16 jenis toppings macam hazelnut ke pistachio ke dried blueberry ke. Tapi sebab aku malas nak pikir aku pilih saja perisa limited edition yang dah sedia ada.

Diantaranya pilihan yang ada ialah:

  • Traditional Malaysian Nasi Lemak
  • Cafe Latte With Cookies & Cream
  • Banana Nuts Caramel Cluster
  • King of Fruits
  • Orange Pineapple & Crunchy Pecan

Since aku suka try perisa yang kalau boleh bizarre semacam memang aku order Traditional Malaysian Nasi Lemak lah kan. Dan ini menjadikan perisa ini esklusif di Malaysia dimana dekat Jepun pun takde. Kalau ada dekat Jepun pun diorang akan pelik. "Ano, Nashi Remakku wa nan desuka?"

*Pada Hari Kejadian*

Selepas mendapat penggilan daripada receptionist ada barang sampai. Terus pergi ambil lepas tu berpura-pura buat muka confius dihadapan receptionist sapa yang hantar ni? Peminat misteri ke? Padahal ko yang order sendiri. 

It came in a small red bag. Uuuuuu.  

And the isi kandungan also getting smaller.

Ok. The illustration is nice. Giving me some high hope also. Terus beranggapan kemeriahan kandungan dia. 

You will get another box in there, a silver one. Which giving you this premium vibe. Acah macam tengah buka kotak phone baru kan. But then....

Dia ada hanya 4 bar sahaja. 4 bar. *meratap* For a price of RM12++ per unit this is very pricey one. Aku boleh dapat 8 Match Kit-Kat dan melahap benda tu sampai fed up. But again for the sake of kepuasan hati dan duniawi aku tutup sebelah mata sajalah.

Ok, as you can see in the picture above. Yang merah-merah tu adalah chili flakes dan yang putih tu adalah parut kelapa kering. 

Meanwhile dekat belakang dia ada hancuran kasar kacang tanah, Which is a lot sampai terkeluar-keluar dari pada kotak dia. I wish all the peanuts can stick nicely there.


I was quite disappointed. Salutan putih tu sebenarnya white chocolate and not santan. Thus, the nasi lemak flavour really not quite menjadi. But surprisingly rasa white chocolate dia kena dengan parutan kelapa. And after a few bite you will notice a slight hint of spiciness. SMAAAAALLLLLL one. Sebab mungkin takde biji cili dan mengharapkan cili semata maka logically the spiciness level will reduce tremendously. Tekstur dia pulak agak lembik make it quite messy masa makan. Kalau waktu suhu bilik pun dah lembik bayangkan kalau tengah cuaca panas. Nescaya pasti rupa macam tak cukup sifat dan kalau diberi sebagai hadiah orang akan ingat 'ikhlas ke tak dia ni?'

Will I buy it again? Nope. Will I try another flavour? Yes. Maybe rasa dia boleh improve. Tukar base white chocolate tu kepada plain santan. Lepas tu tabur parutan kelapa yang jenis macam lemak-lemak masin sikit. As for the chili pilih yang pedas lagi. Biar terasa. While the kacang can remain the same. Maybe just maybe rasa dia akan lebih menjadi. But overall it is a good attempt. I need more product out there to take risk in offering us new flavours. 

Below are the links if you are interested to know this product better or even buy it for your own!


But hurry up kalau nak beli jenis perisa yang limited edition tu. Dia buat tak banyak since Malaysian tak berani beli perisa yang pelik-pelik ni. "I prefer the regular choclate one", kata seseorang yang nama dirahsiakan sambil membuat muka jelak. BOOO!
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