It's that filler post again when you are in the state of I'm not ready to post any completed entry yet! lol! Ingat anime saja ada filler episode? Blog aku pun ada! Not that I'm gaining anything from this. *sedih*
#1 Starting last year, how do I say this.. was the last year yang aku macam full force makan Sushi King secara rakus dan tidak berfikir panjang. Maksudnya kalau aku nak makan sushi aku tak berfikir panjang pasal budget ke apa aku akan terus pergi ke outlet Sushi King berhampiran dan melantak tanpa melihat warna pinggan lagi. Apa? Plate Purple berharga RM6+? *sambil ambik secara angkuh dekat kaiten sushi disebelah* Sedap rasanya? AMBIK LAGI PLATE PURPLE ITU B*TCH TANPA RAGU! Walaupun at the end ko akan merana apabila melihat total bil semua.
And what like after a year or soo aku macam dah meluat tengok sushi bila hampir semua jenis aku dah rasa berulang kali. Rasa meluat sampai ke tahap pandang pun tak mahu dah. Then pada masa tu aku start rasa adventurous sikit nak makan sushi dengan wasabi. FYI aku memang tak makan wasabi sebab bau dia macam tengik dekat hidung dan warnanya macam hijau pelesu versi chemical kilang lantas menghalang naluri aku nak merasa benda tu at the first place. Tapi lepas dah rasa secara tak sengaja (eh, kata adventurous tadi) it was UH-MAZING~! New flavour unlocked!
Rasa meluat nak makan sushi terus hilang 100%. It's like tasting sushi for the first time! Dia sekarang kalau makan sushi mesti tak sah kalau takde wasabi lepas tu selagi tak terasa wasabi tu keluar dekat hidung sampai otak sakit selagi tu tak sah. I'm officially obsess. Sekarang tak tau 6 bulan lagi lepas tu datang meluat balik gamaknya kena fly pergi Jepun kena rasa yang authentic punya dulu baru macam "Ohmigosh! I'm in love~!". #CintaSushiYangSuci
This reminds me greatly yang macam semakin kita berusia semakin banyak benda yang kita tak suka makan dulu sekarang dah boleh makan. Or is it me alone? Contoh macam dulu dalam list makanan dibenci *buka list parchment sepanjang 10 inchi* ialah terung, taugeh, WASABI, air jagung adalah macam no no kalau boleh elak. Tapi sekarang macam dah boleh makan selamba. This is magnificent isn't it?
#2 If you are following my InstaBahagia atau nama klise dia Instagram mesti dah tau aku sekarang dekat buku volume 6 dalam siri Harry Potter (HP). Bila dah nak dekat penamat ni makin slooow rasanya nak habiskan. Rasa sayang. And I still don't reach the part where Dumbledore is dead. Sebab part Sirius Black mati pun aku macam ni necessary ke? Perlu ke dia mati? J.K. Rowling are you sure?
And I'm thinking to make some sort of HP mini series on this blog macam nak cerca ke mengarut ke fan-boying ke bagai dalam entry. Do you want me to do it? Do you want me to ramble about why I like Bellatrix Lestrange (!!) or the love story between Ron dengan Hermione rasa macam awkward dan terpaksa? DO YOU?!
Dan bila bercakap pasal HP ehem, aku tak boleh lah macam nak buat-buat lupa yang aku hutang satu entry pasal Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them (FB). I know, I know I'm becoming lazy again to write about something lengthy. Tapi another main reason yang aku macam 'reluctant' or could I say 'preoccupied' to write sebab I don't feel quite good about the movie. So, why do I want to write it in the first place. Tbh sebelum tu aku nak confess I'm not a big fan of HP Movie Universe. Don't get me wrong, I love the series but only with the books. Ok, boleh start bash. There are reasons for this and maybe kalau aku rasa nak cerita aku cerita lah tapi kembali ke topik asal I don't feel like writing it up, yet. I'm hoping something different disebabkan watak utama dia adalah adult and maybe we can see more tapi hurrmm.. it was moderately ok.
#3 Ok, I'm done bebel pasal Pokemon Sun & Moon for the whole last week sampai semua orang meluat mungkin next one akan keluar pada tahun depan. Itupun mungkin pasal review or impression aku pasal game tu lepas habis main. Currently aku dekat island 2 (out of 5) sampaikan ada yang cerca kata slownya aku main. And I was like... I'm trying to appreciate it ok, so I'm going to play it slow and easy while bonding with my Pokemon. (Secara tak sengaja aku cerita pasal Pokemon lagi kan?boleh start bash lagi).
But speaking about game generally, currently i'm playing Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon together with Pokemon Moon. Hectic gila ko macam mana nak bahagikan masa and I wish that we human do not need to sleep like 8 hours per day so that I can play all these games. *sigh* It is a surprisingly a great game. I'm literally having fun playing it and somehow I wish, I wish that I could show it to you guys my gameplay in video format.
I've rant about this on Twitter on how leceh it is to record it unless you got some special device or you need to buy another set of modified Nintendo 3DS that able to connect to your PC. Leceh kan? and it is costly too. That make me thinking that I could record it using my old digital camera. But again, aku rasa I've lost the camera's monopod (lenguh lah ko nak hold dua benda. Camera sebelah tangan, main lagi sebelah tangan. Kejung tangan) and you are advisable to record it in dark environment to get decent quality of videos. Which means nigh time. Oh God. Night time.
Tu belum masuk insecurity bila tengok recording sendiri siap persoal kenapa suara aku garik semacam ni? GARIK BETUL! Malu rasanya. lol. And I was thinking one day, kalau dah bunyi garik tu garik lah lah, embrace it!! KAH KAH. WTF! But let's see how this one goes.
#4 So aku ada nampak one of my favourite Youtuber ada buat video khas untuk KitKat. And I was like "YASSSS!" but then I found out that ada orang nampak video diorang buat tasting satu perisa KitKat yang rasanya macam acah-acah main je, tak panjang mana pun. Lepas tau tak orang tu buat apa? Siap hantar satu package penuh pelbagai perisa KitKat didalamnya lepas tu boleh buat review.
Aku yang dah buat at least 2 entry yang PANJANG LEBAR pasal KitKat, investing hours of my precious time researching about this, takde pulak orang nak hantar dekat aku KitKat untuk dirasa. WHY YOU? WHY! Lepas tu baru perasan yang ko tu blogger sendu views pun ntah sehari satu orang baca compare pulak dengan diorang yang berjuta followers, apa masalah ko, dik?
FOIINE! *mula mempersoalkan kehidupan*