Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Endless Dark Pit

Macam biasa antara aktiviti harian aku ialah melayari YouTube untuk check out video-video yang interesting daripada list channel yang aku dah subscribe. FYI, aku dah lama tak tengok TV. So one video really grab my interest. It is from a channel called Simon & Martina. Mungkin sesetengah antara korang pernah dengar dan mungkin tidak. Below is the video if you interested enough to watch it.

Some brief explanation about the content of this channel. It is about a married couple named Simon and Martina doing some various videos of them experiencing thing while living in a foreign country. Dulu dekat Korea sekarang dekat Jepun. Now about this video. Korang dah boleh agak kan apa isi kandungan dia berdasarkan tajuk tu sendiri. But first aku nak highlight, Martina's personality is funny, lovable and full of life. Bila dia open up about her depression, I really felt it. Oh heck I didn't know that she has depression at all before watching this video.

Firstly, I never assumed myself having depression because it is not fair for people who really have it. Sebab sekarang ada rising trend bila orang senang sangat self classified of having depression padahal mungkin hanya perasaan sedih yang normal. Lepas tu mula seek for attention. Based from this trend lah yang aku rasa majoriti umat manusia di alam maya mula start salah anggap kalau orang depress ni sebenarnya suka buat 'pity party' untuk orang kasihan dia. It is bad sebab aku rasa awareness tentang depresi dekat Malaysia ni tak meluas mana. With this people creating this bad stigma, we are not going anywhere on how to educate people with this serious issue.

Again, I don't know that I have depression or not tapi yang pastinya aku ada insecurities aku sendiri dimana aku ada tulis mengenai isu ini. Mungkin perasaan insecurity ni tak sama dengan isu depresi tapi maybe it can leads to this illness.

Aku pernah berhadapan dengan satu situasi bila ada orang start judging kenapa certain orang sanggup buat keputusan yang tak munasabah (attempt suicide etc.) apabila satu-satu masalah timbul. Lepas tu beberapa bulan kemudian orang yang sama jokingly (maybe) said that dia rasa nak terjun bangunan sebab dia tengah runsing dengan masalah yang dia ada. See, you won't know the real thing until you feel it yourself.

Back again with the video, there is one word that struck me in my heart when she said,

"Why not do things that you wanna do if you willing to end it all?"

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